47 yrs old. any/all
Leo (don't call her Leonora) is the latest in the royal line after a long series of "accidents", assassinations, and other timely deaths set upon her past three ancestors to the throne. Leo's rule is widely contested due to her status--formerly a Knight-Commander rather than partaking in the courts as expected of her, her queer habits and attitude have long grated against the court and kept her from the throne--until her late mother's immediate sisters passed, leaving her, her mothers only child, as the only viable heir.
Finding herself with a golden opportunity, Leo recruits Cairo as her personal guard--dismissing the former candidate, Ivor, in the process--and begins the slow process of setting up her...plans. Of course, this isn't enough to distract her fully from her new assassin, or the way he seems to watch her just as intensely as she watches back...
Blessed with a strange natural charm, Leo's outer appearances and behavior betray very little of her internal world. While many find her offputting with her lack of royal grace and the bloody history on her hands and blade, it can't be denied that she is able to carry an air of power and authority, commanding the courts she was once barred from with a natural, almost frightening ease. Of course, what may be more frightening is the unhidden disdain she has for the members.